Featured Property – Medical Practice For Sale – Rockhampton Queensland

Featured Property – Medical Practice For Sale or Lease
Rockhampton Queensland
Medical Zoned Tenancy for Immediate Occupation
For Sale or Lease – on behalf of Cascade Investments
Every now and then we come across exceptional opportunities at www.medicalview.net.au.
109 – 111 George Street, Rockhampton, QLD, A premier medical practice for sale or lease is one of those properties.
It often takes more than one factor to get a great outcome.
Key features
The available medically zoned tenancy is ready to occupy immediately and benefits from its position in a strongly performing convenience retail centre that provides all the important fundamentals to support a successful practice:
- Central location
- Contemporary design
- Opportunity to secure the “anchor” tenancy of the centre that has an existing Discount Drug Store that has just extended their option early to secure a lease until May 2018
- 336 m2 regular footprint within close proximity to building amenity and services
- QML and Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology have both expressed strong interest in sub-leasing a 30 – 50 m2 portion of the 336 m2 medical clinic to establish a pathology clinic
- Ample car parking in the centre totalling 64 bays
- Prominent signage on the front of the tenancy coupled with 2 x pylon signage
- Landlord incentives available to an incoming lessee.
Usually location is the driving force behind the choice of where to practice. In this instance the location can satisfy the general desired requirements such as parking, ease of access for patients, high profile and passing traffic.
Another important factor in the choice of practice is the physical premises itself. Presently there is a proposed layout which has been cleverly designed, However, there is also the added benefit of this being able to be fitted out to the specifications of the occupant.
The opportunity also to have sub-tenants and co-tenants is also an attractive component, making the set up of a new practice a little more cost effective.
There are many reasons to consider this opportunity and we are happy to promote this opportunity to our readership as we feel for many operators this could be a worthwhile option.
Read below to see some of the information published from the Information Memorandum prepared by Cascade Investments. Visit www.medicalview.net.au to view the property.
The Location
“One-Eleven on George” is a 1,400 m2 neighbourhood convenience centre situated on
the high profile corner of George Street (continuation of Bruce Highway)& Fitzroy Street
in Rockhampton.
Located in the centre of Rockhampton the property has excellent exposure to approximately 25,000 cars per day
and provides 64 car parks at grade. The property’s strong fundamentals with respect to
exposure, car parking, ease of access and contemporary design will ensure that it stays commercially relevant
moving forward.
Proposed Medical Layout
- 8 consultation rooms with scope for further with optimisation
- 3 treatment rooms
- QML have expressed interest in taking between 30–50m2 dependent on number of Doctors
- Reception, records room, storeroom, staff room and large waiting room
- The tenancy backs onto current building services to allow more efficient use of available utilities
Ultimately the design of the layout is up to your wishes.
Property Address: 109 – 111 George Street, Rockhampton QLD 4700
Site Area: 4,045 m2
RPD: SP 197268
Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT): on average 25,145 vehicles travel past the site every day.
Car Parking: 64 Car Parks at grade
Access: The site is accessed directly from George Street (ingress and egress) as well as from Fitzroy Street(egress). The property sits on the major four lane (plus turning lanes) signalized intersection of George Street(continuation of Bruce Highway) and Fitzroy Street. There is also access for customers via Campbell Lane that runs down the rear of the property that is accessed from Fitzroy Street.
Property Description: “One-Eleven on George” is a 1,400 m2 neighbourhood convenience centre situated on the high profile corner of George Street (continuation of Bruce Highway) and Fitzroy Street in Rockhampton.
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For further information on this or other opportunities contact us today by phone or email:
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